Afonso Nobre Advocacia acts in legal due diligence and in the structuring of real estate business, through detailed analysis of all documentation related to the property subject to negotiation, enabling the formatting and safe development of real estate business.

Among the services provided by the firm, the:

  • Real estate due diligence;
  • Preparation of contracts for the purchase and sale, physical and financial exchange, payment, fiduciary disposal, leasing and leasing of real estate and establishments, etc.;
  • Preparation and negotiation of a contract for the construction of residential and commercial enterprises, for sale or lease built to suit (BTS);
  • Assistance in drafting public deed of real estate business, opening of registrations, registration and real estate incorporations, institution of assets of affectation and corporate structuring of real estate businesses;
  • Assistance in negotiations of leases and operations in shopping center;
  • Consultancy and Assistance in investments and formatting of real estate developments in the areas of hospitality, tourism, condominiums, ecotourism parks in rural, coastal or marine areas.
  • Advice on real estate financing and offering real estate under guarantee;

Would you like to speak to our Lawyers?​

Trav. Quintino Bocaiuva, 2301, Ed. Rogélio Fernandez, sala 613-615, Batista Campos,
CEP 66045-315

©2023. Afonso Nobre Advocacia
Developer: InCompany