Afonso Nobre Advocacia, has a multidisciplinary team and the expertise of lawyers specialized in the environmental area, able to work in the advisory and litigation areas (administrative procedures with the control and inspection agencies; civil and criminal lawsuits; and civil and criminal investigations), in the performance of environmental due diligence.

Among the services provided by the firm, the:

  • Preparation of legal opinions and technical notes from the environmental point of view, related to the type of activity, model of occupation and undertaking of the client;
  • Consulting and formatting of business aligned with ESG principles and standards (Environmental, Social and Governance) – in Portuguese, Environmental, Social and Governance (ASG) – aimed at preparing clients from all sectors in a safe way, to monitor the growth of this global environmental trend;
  • Monitoring of legislative changes, including at the state and municipal levels.
  • Advice andr presentation of clients with MMA, IBAMA, ICMBio and state and municipal environmental agencies.
  • Consulting and advice on environmental licensing processes, including in public hearings.
  • Due diligence in the negotiation of assets, real estate and commercial operations, issuing opinions and reports.
  • Environmental litigation comprising, especially, infraction notice, public civil investigations and public civil actions.
  • Assistance in negotiation and formalization of TAC with the MPE, MPF, Environmental agencies and legal entities under public law.
  • Assistance in negotiation and the agreement of the Environmental Regularization Program – PRA;
  • Advice on Rural Environmental Registry – CAR;
  • Consulting and advice in negotiation for forest clearing purposes;
  • Consultancy and advice in negotiation of forestry assets, market and carbon credit;
  • ​Representation in public and criminal civil actions, related to indemnification and reparation of damages or environmental impacts;

Would you like to speak to our Lawyers?​

Trav. Quintino Bocaiuva, 2301, Ed. Rogélio Fernandez, sala 613-615, Batista Campos,
CEP 66045-315

©2023. Afonso Nobre Advocacia
Developer: InCompany