Afonso Nobre Advocacia has a multidisciplinary technical team and lawyers specialized in legal advice, advisory and litigation, companies, cooperatives, rural producers and families living in the field, who work or intend to work in agribusiness. It promotes advice and assistance to all agents in this sector, in the processes of implementation, development and compliance of agrarian activities, promoting more legal certainty and better protection of the rights of all involved in these processes.

Among the services provided by the firm, the:

  • Consultancy on business, contractual and litigation issues related to rural areas and the agribusiness production chain;
  • Legal advice on the formatting of typical and atypical agrarian contracts (lease, sublease, partnership, subpartnership, lending, purchase and sale of future harvest and contractual review, purchase and sale of agricultural and rural products, leasing of agricultural or animal machinery, provision of planting services, harvesting, mowing and pruning of trees, among others);
  • Legal advice in the formatting of logistics contracts, transport and storage of products, agricultural commodities and etc;
  • Analysis, review and preparation of credit securities related to agribusiness (Rural Product Banknote – CPR, Agricultural Deposit Certificate – CDA, Agricultural Warrant – WA, Agribusiness Credit Letter – LCA and Agribusiness Credit Rights Certificate – CDCA, among others);
  • Assistance in registration processes and obtaining licenses for the exercise of rural activities;
  • Analysis, review and formatting of guarantees in operations with agricultural commodities (mortgage, agricultural pawn and fiduciary disposal etc);
  • Out-of-court and judicial collections of credits resulting from contracts and credit securities linked to agribusiness;
  • Development of relationship strategies with the stakeholders involved (internal and external) in order to seek greater agility, transparency and efficiency in agribusiness activities;
  • Advice, planning and preparation of Rural Holding, for rural producers, groups or family businesses active in agribusiness.

Would you like to speak to our Lawyers?​

Trav. Quintino Bocaiuva, 2301, Ed. Rogélio Fernandez, sala 613-615, Batista Campos,
CEP 66045-315

©2023. Afonso Nobre Advocacia
Developer: InCompany